Furry Voices for Second Life
Give your avatar a new voice
Free MorphVOX Pro Add-on.
Using some of the latest speech filter technology, the FREE add-on can transform you into an animal. Whether you choose to play the King of the Beasts or just a Harmless Little Bunny, this voice add-on can enhance role-playing and add fun to online chat.
Note: This add-on requires MorphVOX Pro voice changing software, version 3.4 or higher.
Luskwood Creatures
Special thanks to Luskwood for providing the beautiful images used in this voice-pack.
Luskwood Creatures is Second Life's first, oldest and original
furry/anthropomorphic avatar design group. Luskwood Creatures has created
over 350 avatar styles and has sold over 37,000 avatars in their four
years of experience in Second Life.
As SL's pioneering avatar design group, Luskwood Creatures is a leader in
design, functionality, and avatar modeling expertise.
All of Luskwood's avatars are fully customizable and modifiable by you to
match the personality and identity you wish to create, - both visually,
and now with the help of MorphVOX Pro, audibly.
Please visit Luskwood Creatures at http://www.luskwood.com, or come to Luskwood (secondlife://Lusk/215/130) inside Second Life.
(Luskwood, Luskwood Creatures are all trademarks of Luskwood, LLC. Second
Life® and the Second Life Logo are the trademark of Linden Research, Inc.)