The Tweak Panel allows you to adjust pitch and timbre. These controls can dramatically change the characteristics of your voice. This guide will give you a better understanding of how to use these controls.

1. Pitch Shift Slider: Adjusts the pitch of your voice. Move the slider to the left to make your voice lower, or move the slider to the right to make your voice higher.
2. Pitch Shift Spinner: Adjusts the pitch of value. Either dial the number using the up/down controls or explicitly type in the value.
3. Timbre Shift Slider: Adjusts the harmonic quality of your voice. Move the slider to the left to make you sound like a giant, or move slider to the right to sound like a small child.
4. Timbre Shift Spinner: Adjusts the timbre shift value. Either dial the number using the up/down controls or explicitly type in the value.
5. Timbre Strength Slider: Adjust the level at which the timbre is applied to the sound. Move the slider up to increase the strength, and move the slider down to decrease the strength.
6. Timbre Strength Spinner: Adjusts the timbre strength value. Either dial the number using the up/down controls or explicitly type in the value.
7. Reset Pitch and Timbre: This will set the pitch, timbre, and timbre strength to neutral settings..

Here are a few examples of how the pitch and timbre can change a voice. Try some of these settings to see how your voice changes.ew examples of how the pitch and timbre can change a voice. Try some of these settings to see how your voice changes. (Note: you'll probably sound different than these examples and may need to experiment with different values.)
Pitch 0.0, Timbre 0, Strength 0% Normal Voice
Pitch -0.5, Timbre 0, Strength 100% Low Voice
Pitch -0.5, Timbre -0.30, Strength 100% Low Voice, Giant
Pitch +0.8, Timbre 0, Strength 100% High Voice
Pitch +0.8, Timbre 0.40, Strength 100% High Voice, Child
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