Editing the VST Parameters
You can tweak any of the controls on a single VST effects plug-in.  Most VST effects provide a built-in GUI (graphics user interface) in which you can interact with the module.  These GUI's can be very elaborate, providing the ability to modify any of the parameters which control the audio output.  They also can provide other useful information such as professional graphic visualizations useful in audio analysis.

VST Graphics Editor
Some VST effects plug-ins provide a graphics editor. This allows you to access the built-in GUI that was designed by the author of the plug-in. You can visually interact with the plug-in and have full control over each of the plug-in's parameters.

To access the VST Graphics Editor, click on a VST Effects Widget in the workspace to highlight a VST effect, then choose the "Tools>Graphics Editor..." menu item.  You can also launch the editor by clicking on the toolbar button or widget button with the wrench symbol.

Note: each VST effect will have different looking GUI.  Here is an example of the Graphics Editor for a plug-in called "themodulator2":

VST Parameters
All VST effects have the ability to display each of the individual parameters in a list. This allows you to tweak each parameter with a high degree of control.  Here is the VST Parameters display for a VST plug-in called "themodulator2":

Menu Items

  Toggles the audio bypass for the VST effect. When the bypass is "on", the effect will not modify the audio.
Closes the VST edit/parameter window.
This menu is populated with the programs which are available to this VST effect. Programs provide an easy way for you to change the parameters of a VST effect with a single click.
Information about this VST effect.

Program Selector
You can quickly change the program of a VST effect by clicking on the program selector on either of the VST Graphics Editor or VST Parameter windows.  This is located on the toolbar of each window.
Click on the Back Arrow to change to the previous program. Click on the Next Arrow to change to the next program. The Update Button will save any changes that you make to the parameters of a single program.
VST is a trademark and software of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

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